Project Description

A CD of contemporary music created by Martino Nicoletti, Roberto Passuti and STENOPEICA, thanks to the artistic contributions of Giovanni Lindo Ferretti and Teresa de Sio (2013 – Production: Stenopeica – A-Buzz Supreme).
Following the first musical work of Stenopeica, Kathmandu: eclissi delle due lune (Kathmandu: eclipses of the two moons), this CD offers a new and stunning immersion into a deep and powerful mesmerizing universe.
Inspired by the mood and content of Himalayan musical and spiritual traditions – such as Nepal’s ecstatic and shamanic music, the liturgical songs of the Tibetan Bon-po monks, the tantric dances of Buddhist tradition from the Kathmandu Valley – the CD blends archaic sounds with synthetic sounds and music by classic musical instruments, thus creating an absolutely unique music genre.
The magnetic core of the work is the mythical and indecipherable Himalayan metropolis of Kathmandu. A sound bridge invites the listener to descend into the entrails of this abyss-city: oblique and sharp sounds that merge perfectly with words as powerful as mantras and reverberating atmospheres.
In the subtitle of the work, disiecta membra (scattered limbs), we find a direct allusion to the archaic Dionysian theme of the sparagmòs: a symbolic dismemberment related to the initiatory experience of death and rebirth: scattered limbs, as a hint of the experience of totally overcoming our own narrow and profane view of reality and as a door accessing the kingdom of no-limits.
Available on Amazon and iTunes